Sparking blockchain innovation: BS+A partners with SLC Digital

BS+A crafts visual identity as SLC tackles $5 trillion market.

There is a $5 trillion market gap between the present status quo in the private credit lending sector. SLC Corporation seeks to reverse this by modernising the existing archaic systems with on-chain smart legal contracts. The platform leverages the power of existing internal bank ledger systems to tokenise deposits, thereby automating workflows for transparent, trusted, and secure seamless transactions. BS+A has worked meticulously with the founding team to develop a succinct brand strategy and visual identity that encompasses SLC's vision and propels their global launch.

"At BS+A, we revel in the challenge of turning visionary ideas into breakthrough realities. Our newest collaboration is with SLC — a visionary blockchain start-up, founded by technology industry leaders. Fuelled with bold ambition, SLC is set to revolutionise industries by simplifying both financial and legal processes with the help of cutting-edge blockchain technology." - William Barratt, Director at BS+A.

But this is not all; their visionary brilliance spearheads SLC Digital's innovative KYC (Know-Your-Customer) solution that uses mobile network and SIM identification to create an airtight "RF fingerprint" on behalf of the lenders working in their domain to make risk assessment.

Seeing this potential for disruption, BS+A went through a full brand overhaul in order to expand their presence and effectively communicate to global audiences. Through a collaborative process, we developed a consolidated brand package that spanned from fine-tuned business plans and an engaging pitch deck to a redesigned website and accompanying marketing collateral.

"This partnership is a realisation of what we hope to achieve with respect to turning bold ideas into real success stories. It will be by combining our strategic strength with the technical genius of SLC that we make way for the whole new world in which blockchain harmonises the financial and legal arenas— welcoming a new era of transparency, automation, and trust,"said Will Barratt, Director at BS+A.

BS+A - innovating and building the future together with a visionary and front-runners of the digital realm: SLC Corp.